Happy One Year Anniversary

As the title says, this time last year, we got out of quarantine in Brisbane. In that one year, hubby and I have achieved quite a lot.

In one year, we have…

  • gotten entry level jobs,
  • bought a first car,
  • upgraded our first jobs,
  • bought a second car,
  • put on quite a bit of weight thanks to mum’s amazing food,
  • gotten Whiskey back from quarantine,
  • secured a home loan,
  • bought a home,
  • and bought our first home furnitures.

We are happy and grateful of what we have achieved within one year of being in Australia.

Every now and then, we do talk about being an expat again and we agreed that if we were to do it again and came back to Australia in 5 years time, we may not have the same success that we have now. And with what we have, we would do our best to think less of what we would be if we continued to live overseas.

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