Whiskey made it home

After 8 month in Brunei, we received news that Whiskey had a spot at the quarantine centre in Melbourne. The date they gave us was the day after Ramadhan. Managed to change her arrival date with very little drama and the count down began.

Flight to Brunei booked and we also finalised her itinerary from Melbourne to Gold Coast. All seemed smooth sailiing and we continued to get updates on her departure progress.

On the day Whiskey was to fly to Gold Coast, we received a call telling us that her flight has been cancelled and they were trying to put her on the next available flight. Whiskey got on another flight and we were told to be there earlier as her flight took off 90 minutes earlier than scheduled. When we got there, we saw 3 other families waiting to pick up their pet as well. We were relieved because that means we were at the right place.

Whiskey came out disoriented… she was tired, dehydrated and very thin. We used the wet wipes we brought to help clean her up a bit and took her for a short walk before we drove home.

Five months later, Whiskey gained weight and is looking a lot healthier. She enjoyed winter and is struggling with the heat. Whiskey is learning not to lick cane toads and enjoying the beach more than we thought she would.

Five countries and she is now home for good. Thank you to everyone who helped bringing Whiskey home. It was worth the wait and we didn’t have to play the ‘what if” game.

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